Monday, September 23, 2024

Teams AA scenario - Use of Teams AA External Forwarding options

Use of Teams AA External Forwarding options

I had a scenario where porting is almost completing but customer end devices at reception is are not ready/late delivery to the location. This example is applying only to Service Number deliver to reception. Just to give glimpse of porting, i didn't port everything but partial porting and this is one of the number +1 365 xxx 421 and since it is "ServiceNumber" from Local telco. 

Due to the device not availability delay i have to look for an option asap.
Option #1 - Convert this number to user number and add forwarder to reception number. it can be Teams client or may be number forwarded.
Option #2 - Do the option#1 part of it and forward immediate Voicemail but for how many days? This wont be an option :D 

Option #3 - Create new Teams Auto Attendant immediately and adding the greeting (just like other reception number) so no one feel a difference or changes. Then all the call forwarded to existing to reception number: +1 365 xxx 6226 (Not migrated reception/main line)
Best option will be Option #3 and i have created AA and added a greeting and in the call routing options I select to External phone number which will ring the existing reception number.

Microsoft Phone System standard - Virtual User license & Domestic calling plan for external forwarding 


Teams Auto Attendant or Call Queue required Microsoft Teams Resource Account License/ and it used to called 
Microsoft Phone System standard - Virtual User license

This license should be assign to receive a call to AA or CQ and this enabled only incoming in other word. If we required to External forwarding (in my example here) that need additional license to be assign for outbound dialing from AA. 

Unfortunately it was not working and i was checking the license etc for AA is all good. i had a Microsoft Phone System standard - Virtual User license for AA. In my above situation i have end up with assigning Domestic Calling plan to AA account. 
Fixed: It was for External call to be forwarded as redirect option from Auto Attendant it required Calling plan to be assigned but getting an error due to conflict of some license. 

Try this and enjoy! 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Teams QER and PIM authentication common errors - You dont have access to the Teams Admin Center

If your environment has Privileged Identity Management (PIM) enabled, you may be familiar with the following error.

This article is not about PIM itself, but organizations use this feature to minimize the number of individuals who have access to secure information or resources. This reduces the chances of a malicious actor gaining access and helps prevent an authorized user from inadvertently impacting a sensitive resource. For more information, refer to this article: Privileged Identity Management.

You will usually encounter the following error if PIM is enabled but has expired, or if you forgot to enable PIM while trying to use an existing open window, such as in Power BI. (Voice professionals will be familiar with CQD/QER.)

Fix or Best practice: Enable PIM and wait 30 to 60 seconds before trying again. In most cases, this will help you avoid the error. However, if you try to access any of the M365 Admin or Azure admin centers in your browser while the PIM process is ongoing, you may experience the following error.

This is a frustrating issue that many users have complained about, often due to browser caching. The best way to avoid this is to either enable PIM or sign out of any expired PIM sessions. Close the tab or window, or sign out, so the browser can clear the cache. In worse cases, consider using an InPrivate browsing session.

Microsoft Teams Auto Attendant/Call Queue - We can't upload the audio file. Verify the contents of the file and try again.

Many companies are migrating to Teams Voice, transitioning from legacy PBXs such as Cisco, Avaya, and Coral. In the past, for Hunt and IVR v...