Monday, June 18, 2012

Lync Server CU6 Released

UC Techies,

This will help you ….

Download Lync Server 2010 Hotfix 

      Date published:


Updates that are released for Lync Server 2010

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Lync Powershell - Lession #2 - HD video Peer to Peer and conference call

To have a HD video peer to peer and conference call you have to run this and restart the FE Server

Set-CsMediaConfiguration -Identity:Global -MaxVideoRateAllowed HD720p15m


Lync Powershell - Lession #1 - Enabled list and export CSV

Using power shell you can have a enabled user list of lync

Get-CsUser | Select-Object DisplayName, Enabled, SipAddress | Export=Csv -Path C:\enabled user.csv


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How to use lync logging Tool

Open logging tool and select component list S4 and SIPStack 

and before doing client to client communication start logging , After end of communication or Error Stop logging. 

and  click Analyze log files

Select Messeges windows and Read the right side description

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Lync Egde with Lync client in windows XP

Lync client on Windows XP Sp3 doesn’t authenticate with Lync server Edge (Remote users). Windows 7 able to support NTLM Authenticate but Windows XP does not support 128-Bit encryption. So that we will do following.

You have to remove Mark "Require 128-bit Encryption". 

Guide:  Run secpol.msc on Lync Front End server.
          Select Local Policies then Security Options
Set the following values to "No Minimum."
          Network Security: Minimum session security for NTLM SSP based (including secure RPC
          Network Security: Minimum session security for NTLM SSP based (including secure RPC) servers

Microsoft Teams Auto Attendant/Call Queue - We can't upload the audio file. Verify the contents of the file and try again.

Many companies are migrating to Teams Voice, transitioning from legacy PBXs such as Cisco, Avaya, and Coral. In the past, for Hunt and IVR v...