Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Azure vSBC App Registration for Teams Direct Routing (Cont)

Teams SBA registration was showing different errors due to couple reasons and this article share the experience i went through on that. 

This is the 3rd error

Classic mistake i did was coping the Secret ID provided below because in Microsoft article says Application (Client ID) and Client secret. 

I copied the Secret ID (which is wrong) instead of that it should be Value should be copied and thats the client secret.

Following is from Azure App registration. 
Thanks to Nathan, he had a chance to work on App registration for another product prior and he was showing the mistake.

This was the 1st issue which i faced, during that time i created the secret ID and App ID which i was used in wrong way but the error message i got was nothing to do with it. My expectation was is secret is wrong then Auth failure in seconds.

This was the 2nd issue, This came when i try to do it on the SBA by providing Azure Application credential (being global administrator will do) 

One of the following permission will do and check the Microsoft Article on App registration on Azure - 
Quickstart: Register an app in the Microsoft identity platform - Microsoft Entra | Microsoft Docs

-     Application administrator
-     Application developer
-     Cloud application administrator

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