Thursday, March 28, 2024

Teams calling user cannot assign a phone number due to licensing and usage


Admin experience when he/she try to assign a number to an user, "No results were found" 

1. Replication delay &  License status 

To address the delay in license assignment and replication from Microsoft, connecting to PowerShell is indeed a practical approach. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you figure out the status of the license assignment:

  • Check License Status,
  • Open PowerShell: Start by opening PowerShell with administrative privileges,
  • Connect to Microsoft Teams: Use the Connect-MicrosoftTeams cmdlet to establish a connection to your Teams environment

     and try following,
  • Wait for Replication: Keep in mind that after assigning a Microsoft Calling Plan to a user, it can take up to 24 hours before they’ll see the dial pad in their Teams client,

Get-csOnlineUser -Identity "" | fl 

Output shows following and Provisioned plan missing, and so, my assumption become valid.  

PreferredDataLocation                  :

PreferredLanguage                      :

ProvisionedPlan                        : 

UsageLocation                          : US

UserDirSyncEnabled                     : True

after few hours following reflected,

ProvisionedPlan                        : {MCOMEETADD, MCOPSTN2, MCOEV}

2. Usage Location 

Since we are using Teams calling, it is required to have the correct usage location matching the emergency address assigned. Try to assign the number again, assuming all is done with the license, but still, the Teams calling number cannot be assigned to the user. The next step was to try again via PowerShell command and the following was found: 

Unfortunately above error doesn't show in the GUI, Modified this field on Azure AD and use PowerShell to assign the number and it was success. 


3. After everything failed for you then only option will be opening a ticket with Microsoft.


Monday, September 11, 2023

Microsoft Teams meetings - End Meeting for All Participants

Lot of customers looking way to end the meeting for all,  when presenter is done with the meeting.

first of for this function to work correctly, it required correctly organize the meeting. 

Step #1 add the co-organizer is a must.

Step #2 More option in the Teams meeting

Step #3 Chose co-organizer(s) 

Once meeting options has been added and done, as Co-organizer you will be able to have following option in addition to LEAVE the meeting.  

This feature will help you to have after meeting ends participant use for gossip using same meeting or avoid unwanted chat usage. 


Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Teams dial pad missing due to Microsoft backend replication (The issue is due to RegistrarPool being Null after migrating users to Teams)

I had very interesting experience recently related to user migration from Skype for business to Teams direct routing. 

Most common issue is to missing dial pad would be following, 

- Teams license assigned or assigned license change not replicate on time or delay.
   License was PhoneSystem since this was Direct Routing work. 

- is enable for Enterprise voice

- Whether the user assigned a VoiceRoutingPolicy

Whether the user assigned a TeamsCallingPolicy

Addition to this i checked following, 

-Homed location/HostingProvider of the users and whether user has been       migrated successful or not. 

Get-CsOnline -Identity | fl DisplayName, LineUri, EnterpriseVoice*, HostingProvider

This where the interesting part came in found a difference in another attribute which never had seen before. 

Get-CsOnline -Identity | fl DisplayName, LineUri, EnterpriseVoice*, HostingProvider, RegistrarPool


Issue was due to RegistrarPool being Null after migrating users to Teams.

Only option is to Microsoft support since its SaaS product. So, opening a ticket to Microsoft Support will fix the problem and it went to PG folks. Issue was RTCProv is skipping registar pool during that time for unknown reason in Microsoft Teams Phone System.  

Once the replication done in few hours time 

RegistrarPool shouldnt be empty. It should change to Teams: like above screenshot.



Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Azure vSBC App Registration for Teams Direct Routing (Cont)

Teams SBA registration was showing different errors due to couple reasons and this article share the experience i went through on that. 

This is the 3rd error

Classic mistake i did was coping the Secret ID provided below because in Microsoft article says Application (Client ID) and Client secret. 

I copied the Secret ID (which is wrong) instead of that it should be Value should be copied and thats the client secret.

Following is from Azure App registration. 
Thanks to Nathan, he had a chance to work on App registration for another product prior and he was showing the mistake.

This was the 1st issue which i faced, during that time i created the secret ID and App ID which i was used in wrong way but the error message i got was nothing to do with it. My expectation was is secret is wrong then Auth failure in seconds.

This was the 2nd issue, This came when i try to do it on the SBA by providing Azure Application credential (being global administrator will do) 

One of the following permission will do and check the Microsoft Article on App registration on Azure - 
Quickstart: Register an app in the Microsoft identity platform - Microsoft Entra | Microsoft Docs

-     Application administrator
-     Application developer
-     Cloud application administrator

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Microsoft Teams user administration using Set-CsOnlineVoicemailUserSettings

Now tenant admin can help with user for custom greetings, 
DefaultGreetingPromptOverwrite and DefaultOofGreetingPromptOverwrite many other user settings on behalf of users. This may help to end users when they are away to set up forwarding rules to another colleague or external number etc.

Set-CsUserCallingSettings -Identity "" -IsForwardingEnabled $True -ForwardingType Immediate -ForwardingTarget -ForwardingTargetType SingleTarget - Verbose

Note: You must have PhoneSystem License attached for you to have this forwarding to a another person. Basically both users must have PhoneSystem License. 

Forward to external number when you try this make sure you are using E.164 standard for phone numbers. 

Set-CsUserCallingSettings -Identity ""  -IsForwardingEnabled $True -ForwardingType Simultaneous -ForwardingTargetType SingleTarget -ForwardingTarget "+1365888xxx" - Verbose

: You must have PhoneSystem License attached for you to have this forwarding to a number. 

Immediate transfer to voicemail 

Set-CsUserCallingSettings -Identity -IsForwardingEnabled $true -ForwardingType Immediate -ForwardingTargetType Voicemail -Verbose

Delegate scenario when manager secretary or Team member after few seconds rings Unanswered delay is 30sec

Set-CsUserCallingSettings -Identity - IsUnansweredEnabled $true -UnansweredTargetType MyDelegates -UnansweredDelay 00:00:30

You can review the change settings by following PS commands

Get-CsUserCallingSettings -Identity "" | fl

Finally removed the configuration 
Make sure once end user comeback from vacation or whenever user want change it, use following PS command. Which will reset user configuration what you made. 

Set-CsUserCallingSettings -Identity -IsForwardingEnabled $false


Monday, July 11, 2022

Teams - SfB Hybrid and federation

Hosting Provider 

To share the same SIP address in On-prem and online (Teams) required hybrid to set/change Hosting Provider. 

for you to run get-cshostingProvider you will required Skype for business Online (old) module or Skype for business ISO mount and install the tools.

Hosting provider identity should be Office365 

Proxy FQDN should be ""

Enable to $True

Enabled Shared Address Space $True

Host OCSUsers    $True

VerificationLevel    $True

AutoDiscoverUrl  need to set

Tenant Federation Configuration 

SharedSIPAddressSpace should be True 

Access Edge Configuration 

Make sure set all the important properties you need to True 

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Teams Auto Attendant (AA) configure with External number dialing


I had a scenario where porting is completing and customer end devices are not ready/late delivery to the location. Had many user numbers and many reception numbers, which i didn't port everything but partial porting and this is one of the number +1 365 xxx 421 and since it is "ServiceNumber" from Local telco. 

Due to the device not availability delay i have to look for an option asap.

Option #1 - Convert this number to user number and add forwarder to reception number. it can be Teams client or may be number forwarded.

Option #2 - Do the option#1 part of it and forward immediate Voicemail but for how many days? This wont be an option :D 

Option #3 - Create new Auto Attendant immediately and Add the greeting (just like other reception number) so no one feel a difference or changes. Then all the call forwarded to existing to reception number: +1 365 xxx 6226 (Not migrated reception/main line)

Best option will be Option #3 and i have created AA and added a greeting and in the call routing options I select to External phone number which will ring the existing reception number. 


Unfortunately it was not working and i was checking the license etc for AA is all good. i had a Microsoft Phone System standard - Virtual User license for AA. 

           Fixed: It was for External call to be forwarded as redirect option from Auto Attendant it required Calling plan to be assigned but getting an error due to conflict of some license. 

i assumed this was due to bundle license option and it had some license was conflicting. what i did was following and kept only domestic calling plan and assign to Auto Attendant addition Microsoft PhoneSystem standard - Virtual User license and everything works well. Try this and enjoy! 


Teams calling user cannot assign a phone number due to licensing and usage

Overview  Admin experience when he/she try to assign a number to an user, "No results were found"  1.  Replication delay &  Li...